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About Us
Paediatric Communication Specialists

Sound Bites Therapy Services is a group of like-minded clinicians who care about offering a great service to children and families in Adelaide.

At Sound Bites we use a family-centred approach to therapy, where each child is seen as a part of a family and wider community. It is important to us that everyone feels connected and empowered when working with us. Therefore, we value consistent, clear two-way communication between families and therapists.


We make sure our therapy is individually tailored to meet the child’s needs and their interests. Our therapists make an effort to get to know each child and work out what motivates/interests them.

We believe in using evidence-based practice and therefore put an emphasis on continuing professional development in our weekly schedules.


We meet together every week to discuss cases, new research and new resources.

Additionally, our clinician’s participate in regular formal Professional Development, and have yearly Performance Reviews so that we can continually improve.

We are connected with Flinders University Speech Pathology Department in the areas of clinical education, lecturing, and research. This is to ensure that we are working at the forefront of current evidence and work practices.

Sound Bites clinicians are passionate about our work.

We love what we do!

